Thursday, May 27, 2010

waah! i cant decide -.-

ive been changing my blog background colors alot lately...i mean alot....and i really cant decide 

so if you have any suggestions please just comment. (either white or black) thanx :3


  1. well, you could base the colors of ur blog on ur banner. That's why I did.

    omg...i just read ur comment on my recent blogpost. haha! im not even done with it...I would really advise you to read it again when it's actually done. It'll be done in maybe 30mins.

    but yes, you should totally check them out...even tho there is only 10 of them at the moment.

  2. yeah i think i'll keep it white then :3

    okay hehe.

    yep i will -even though i have this long waiting list of k-pop bands to check out- lol
