Hyunseung 17 (27%)
Doojoon 7 (11%)
Dongwoon 7 (11%)
Kikwang 14 (22%)
Junhyung 8 (13%)
Yoseob 8 (13%)
omg my Hyunseung won!!! . i love Hyunseung but im actually suprised he won....GO HYUNSEUNG xD
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
It's Your 1 Year Anniversary B2ST!!
Yeah i know BEAST's Anniversary was last week but ive been busy with stuff lately cough cough school. Anyways GUYS ITS BEEN LIKE A YEAR. Like it really does not seem like its been a year already though. But when i think about it DOES seem like its been a year. Because these boys have REALLY matured and gotten better at their music. They also beat 2NE1 in votes at the Music Bank! GUYS this 2NE1 we're talking about here. BEAST is really stepping up their game!

The leader of BEAST. Without you i really dont think BEAST would be what it is today. From your chinky smile to your bossiness i love your eveything. Im glad you made a great decision of becoming the leader of BEAST instead of a PE teacher. Boy you made the right choice fo sho'. Your voice blends in so perfectly with the others. Even though you dont even look like a singer, your voice melts my heart away. Please continue to be a good leader, as i know you will. :)
I dont know why but at first i never really payed that much to Yoseob. Sure he has the looks, but we never clicked. It wasnt something i could really control. But after being with BEAST for A YEAR now Yoseob has FINALLY captured my heart, and seeing him in SOOM really sealed the deal. Yoseob is just one of the sweetest people and it just melts my heart away lol. I feel so bad for not clicking with him sooner, and have no idea why it never happened, but I'm glad it finally did.
My second bias in BEAST. Even though you can be a little "out there" and silly, thats what makes you you. You are the rapper in BEAST, but at the same time you can also rap soo melodically and soothingly. Your rapping really has improved much though, not that it wasn't great before it was! Please continue to "pop" and dance your heart away!
The maknae, youngest of the group. Yep everyone always mistakes you as the oldest. I've got to admit even i did. But once again being with BEAST for a year I've notice that you are really the cutest and the most playfulest if thats even a word out of BEAST.Even though this picture proves me wrong lol. OMG. They need to stop putting you in the back, because anytime you dance you are always ALL SMILES. Your deep voice is also very wonderful and sweet. You are always the MAKNAE in MY heart Dongwoon!

사랑해 비스트!!!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Aww. Shinee's Hello MV "Just toooo Cute!"
Yeah i know im late, but i dont if you've seen Shinee's new music video yet. But once again this made by day. I so SPAZZED because these guys are just too damn cute! Like what the hell? OMG. Taemin is not really one of my faves in Shinee, but i think thats definitely gonna change very soon. He looked SOO fricken cute, like some little teenager when he was in his room in the video.....(playing with toys or something).......anyways. Onew also looked soooo cute! His smile just MELTS ME AWAY. Dude, if I ever meet him which i HOPE I will and he smiled at me like that, that would make my LIFE. *giggles like a crazy fan girl* Anyways Key, Minho, and Jonghyun were really adorable too....im just to lazy to spaz about them. :) I really liked the video it self, it was really cute and sweet. The atmosphere was really peaceful too.....Now if only BEAST could only do a video like this lol. >///<
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wooyoung or Junho?
This is something that has been bothering me for a while. You can pretty much tell from the title..unless you were thinking about something else *wink* wink*......anyways. I really can not tell these two apart! Well i guess it's pretty easy to tell them apart now, but when i watch 2PM's music videos im just like "What the hell?" And it's been bothering me for a while. I also can't tell Taecyeon and Chansung apart, but that another story ahem. Gosh im still trying to figure it out, because i feel like its not right to become a fan of a group unless i can tell them completely apart and know all their names. That's why i won't even try with Super Junior. lol But if you guys have a way of telling them apart..or never even had this problem PLEASE TELL ME. I dont want this to stop me from becoming true fans of them haha. Thanks! :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Beast Soom Pratice Video
Guys if you're having a bad day, you know it even doesn't matter if you're having the best day ever, WATCH THIS!!!!(skip to 4:20) If you're wondering what this is about, this is Beast praticing their new song "Soom". You can watch the praticing part too but the part that REALLY made my day started at 4:20. Enjoy ke ke ke ke.
this is all about:
Beast Comeback 2010,
Pratice Video,
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